In a follow-up to our first blog in an unfolding series where we take a trip down memory lane through what we've coined the Path of Technology. Here, we tackle The Truth About Predictive Marketing - and give you a glimpse into what's next!
06.04.21 03:54 PM - Comment(s)
Can 3 Birds really help your dealership influence more customers to make more sales and schedule more service departments? Here are the latest results from a prominent Northeast KIA dealership that answers that question with a solid "YES!"
31.03.21 12:45 AM - Comment(s)
4 old technologies that set 3 Birds apart as the best-in-class new technology coming to automotive. Learn more about how small changes make all the difference in data, CX, and your dealership's ROI.
29.03.21 09:37 AM - Comment(s)
Inspired by recent reports by GoogleThink, we thought about how today’s digital landscape has changed consumers buying behaviors - and how 3 Birds helps dealerships navigate the roads ahead; Sales, Service, and Opportunity.
11.03.21 02:39 PM - Comment(s)
Consumer buying habits have changed. With less initial face-to-face interaction, acquiring purchase-ready leads in real-time is becoming even more difficult for car dealerships. But it does not have to be....
31.01.21 10:48 PM - Comment(s)