4th in our Path of Technology series, we explore the 5 various data milestones currently utilized in automotive retail sales. In this series, we tackle the truth about data points.
23.04.21 05:31 PM - Comment(s)
In follow-up to our first blog in an unfolding series, we took a trip down memory lane through what we've coined the Path of Technology. Here, we tackle the truth about Algorithms.
13.04.21 02:35 PM - Comment(s)
Can one word compel you to click a button? The art of traditional sales copywriting in conventional mediums has evolved into science as more digital channels continue to advance. Here are just a few power words we've collected that are proven to help engage more opportunities in your marketing copy.
12.04.21 04:01 PM - Comment(s)
In a follow-up to our first blog in an unfolding series where we take a trip down memory lane through what we've coined the Path of Technology. Here, we tackle The Truth About Predictive Marketing - and give you a glimpse into what's next!
06.04.21 03:54 PM - Comment(s)
Consumer buying habits have changed. With less initial face-to-face interaction, acquiring purchase-ready leads in real-time is becoming even more difficult for car dealerships. But it does not have to be....
31.01.21 10:48 PM - Comment(s)