Personalization is the underlying key to uncovering sales and service revenue opportunities in your own database that your dealership may already consider lost. But where do you start? WITH the data, of course.
06.01.21 12:20 PM - Comment(s)
Advanced Easy Buttons not only help identify and conquest in-market vehicle shoppers but includes behavioral data to inform the conversation and influence leads further down the funnel within a consolidated movers-list in just one click.
07.12.20 01:57 AM - Comment(s)
Marketing strategies and solutions that adapt to an ever-changing market are a must in today's digital environment. But where to start? With data. And a Business and Consumer Intelligence Platform that empowers business agility through configurable tech.
30.09.20 12:13 AM - Comment(s)
Lifecycle Marketing is an essential part in fostering human connection and builds a higher customer lifetime value.
21.09.20 07:05 PM - Comment(s)
3 Birds' bridges the gap between dealers and consumers. This is especially important to a program we’ve named "The Road Back" to reconnect with consumers who might feel nervous with any part of the vehicle lifecycle experience since the pandemic. We're all on the road back now!
12.08.20 11:50 AM - Comment(s)